29 de mayo de 2020

Quotes - An ember in the Ashes, Sabaa Tahir

An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1) by Sabaa Tahir

Hola, hoy traigo algunas de las frases más emblemáticas del libro de An ember in the ashes de Sabaa Tahir. 

Las frases están en inglés, ya que leí el libro en ingles, así que espero logren entenderlas y las disfruten tanto como yo. 

This life is not always what we think it will be. (P. 65)

Or I'll be a leaf lost in the wind, which is just a fancy Augur way of saying dead.  (Pag. 85)

He never seem to focus on what could turn out wrong. He only ever thought about how things could turn out right. (P. 218)

All the beuty of stars means nothing when life here on the earth is so ugly. (P. 221)

Beuty's is a curse when one lives among men. You might have thanked me for it. (P. 275)

Loving you is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. (P. 323)

There are two kinds of guilt, the kinf that's a burden and the kind that gives you a purpose. Let your guilt be your fuel. Let it remind you of who you want to be. (P. 373)

Just because he is a good leader doesn't mean he's a good person. (P. 408)

Fear is only your enemy if you allow it to be. (P. 422)

"Nan always said that as long as there is life, there is hope".

171 Best An Ember in the Ashes images | Ember, Ashes series, Ash

¿Ya leíste el libro? ¿Te gustó? Déjalo en los comentarios :)

2 comentarios:

  1. ¡Hola, Mar! Me han gustado mucho. Mi favorita es la última 😊 Me llevo el libro apuntado.

    Un abrazo

  2. Hola.
    Muy bonitas las frases, aunque he tenido que usar el traductor de google jajaja. El libro me gustó muchísimo, una pena que no sigan con la saga.
    Por cierto, acabo de encontrar tu blog y me quedo por aquí. Te invito a pasarte por el mio.
    Nos leemos.


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